Seja bem-vindo(a). Este é um espaço pessoal onde, desde 2007, reúno poemas, ensaios e artigos de minha autoria, compartilhando também um pouco da minha trajetória como terapeuta junguiana e ativista ambiental. É um espaço aberto, para escritores(as) de várias partes do mundo.


Medusa´s Heart (Poems by Renata Bomfim Translated by Silvia Siller)


Renata Bomfim- Mata Atlântica no Espírito Santo/ Brasil.

Medusa´s Heart


Medusa's heart

(forged in lava, filled with fury)

loves who wants to decipher it 


The goddess, snakes mane, offers herself to the male who penetrates

on the wet and narrow path

(initiatory cave):

seduction, pleasure, and ecstasy 


So far fatal from the sweet and deep glance,

The time stops.

The virgin breaks the deathly silence

shakes the bell,

but, nobody certifies

the miracle of miracles:

The eternal voluptuousness

That lives in a statue that is sculpted

in Carrara marble.


Mary Wollstonecraft's granddaughter

From my grandmother, I inherited

the taste for unstable men and

the nerve of those who have nothing to lose

I still remember her deep eyes, suicidal;

Of how she liked to feel overwhelmed

because of work and painful endeavours ...

How much pleasure it gave her to dig her fingers in the inkwell abyss,

To then, stain the soft, blank sheets of paper ...

Aristocratic woman on the pier ...

Her grief charted my destiny.

Today, in every street corner,

they sell copies of her book of misery and loneliness

(at popular prices). Ah! If my grandmother saw me now,

How proud she would be of her lineage: 

Women more broken than embroidered

Condemned to be separated

Irretrivably divided and dry,

prideful, like beasts grazing

ln wastelands.


Nicanor Parra's fiancee      

                                      Dedicated to the great Chilean antipoet   

Look at me tenderly 

It's time to retreat of drought and suffering.

I can't dream anymore

I can't sing anymore

The stories lose their meaning

My heart is withered

Contemplate me with affection. 

My hands touched (in dreams) the mountain ranges,

as if the mountains were toys of gods, me, that girl with smiles and braids ...

-They will never be able to reproduce such remarkable beauty

 They will never understand the mysteries of minerals. 

Listen to the abandoned rocks, I know the genealogy of these ancient stones

I climbed the highest hands, searching for myself

The hands show that granite approximation 


Look at me sweetly.

Pay attention to the voice coming from the caves.

Echoes of our forgotten humanity. 

Lamentations for the fall of the gods,

Cry that shakes the earth.

Lovingly stimulate the forehead of the poem,

Recreate (against the mythology, the unreleased song,

Only you, poet, are capable of doing it.)


Treat me with tenderness

To me, the most infertile of females,

Pursuer of salvation, esteem, love,

Longing to be reborn

Marry this creature capable of conceiving

something more than sunrises and utopia


Medusa's eyes 


Medusa's eyes

beyond their admired and loved

object of desire

they are not guilty,


In a desperate attempt to interrupt

the corrosive action of time,

and perpetrate their beauty.

The serpents dance exalted

over the head.  They are like lira strings

of that Muse's out of tune


disowned and sad,

she only asks one thing from life:

To be loved.


The song of the Harpy

I got tired of being a mermaid. I cut my hair, my nails grew. Instead of the scales, indecent and strong feathers in shades of white and ash. At the head´s top, the eroticized crest bristles at the slightest noise. I spread huge wings, I exhale a scream. The eyes, suddenly, see beyond. I got tired of drowning sailors, of singing the death of cliffs and frozen rocks. Like a child, emerged from the womb, I glorify life! I immersed myself in the depths of the deep blue sprinkled with the last lilos of day and I am reborn by morn, intoxicated by the yellow gold of that universe wildly new.


(Poems by Renata Bomfim Translated by Silvia Siller)

Renata Bomfim

Born in Vitória, Espiritu Santo, Brazil. She has a PHD in Languages awarded by the Federal Univiersity of Espíritu Santo (UFES) and she is a University Professor. She is also a poet, enssayist, researcher and environmentalist. She is the creator and manager of the Reluz Nature Reserve, located in the Espíritu Santo's mountains, where she works to preserve a remaining area of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, a biome that shelters a vast biodiversity, one of the greatest on the planet, and that is highly threatened. Lastly, she is the authore of the Literary Journal " Letra e Fel" (Letter and Gall).

Silvia Siller

Poet, polyglot and radio host. She teaches Spanish and has taught Latin-American poetry at the New York Public University (CUNY). She studied a Master’s in International Relations at Columbia University,  has a Master’s in French and has completed several Diplomas in Contemporary Literature. Finalist of the Entreversos contest (2017) of the Mar Azul Foundation in Venezuela, poems that have been published by New York Poetry Press. Her collections of poems have been recognized in the International Latino Book Award 2015 and 2016 with the translation of Walter Krochmal. Received the G. Mistral, J. Burgos and F. Kahlo award from the Galo Plaza Committee in New York for her contributions to Latin American culture (2015). She has multiple collections of poems. Voice of cultural radio program –Cultural Dialogues with Silvia Siller on CalleVieja Radio. She has also danced flamenco and has written flamenco theater plays with poetry.  Her poetry accompanied the exhibition Man(o)rar by Luciana Corres at the Franz Mayer Museum (2018) and at the Oaxaca Textile Museum (2017). Fully fluent in English, French, and Spanish. Professional knowdelge of Portuguese and Italian. Learning basic Náhuatl.

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